Friday, December 5, 2008

Self Evaluations & Etc.

First, regarding the self evaluations:

Everyone should send me an email me their self-evaluations by Tuesday at the latest. It would be best if you simply included it with your final project when you email it to me.

I want three things. First, a self-rating on a scale of 1 to 5 of your participation in class, and a second self-rating on a scale of 1 to 5 of your work on the blog (for almost all of you, this amounts to a self-evaluation of your critiques of the writing of other students. Third, feel free to include a sentence or two, or at most a short paragraph, commenting on your performance in either area, or both.

Here's what these scores mean.

1) You only rarely participate in class / your critiques are often short & perfunctory (you usually focus on trivial details, and that only briefly, or you simply praise them then quit).
2) You have something substantive to see perhaps once a week / your critiques are sometimes acceptable, and sometimes sub-par.
3) You have something useful to say most classes / your critiques are consistently acceptable, but in no way extraordinary (you usually spend your allotted hour, and you consistently if imperfectly focus on your peer's argument).
4) You participate consistently, usually having more than one useful thing to say every class / your critiques are more often good than acceptable.
5) You believe that nobody in the class has more useful things to say than you / your critiques are consistently thoughtful and detailed (you *always* spend your hour on them).

Note: I'm asking for this because I really want to know what you think. Generally speaking, I will be guided by honest self-evaluations; if you are obviously exaggerating, though, I won't be happy. Here's another way to put it: I'll tolerate a little inflation, if you seem to have honestly thought through your own work, but only a little.

Second, about the final projects:

I'm looking forward to them! Please email them to me as an attachment; if you don't know how to do that, just post them on the blog and send me an email telling me that's what you did. I would appreciate it if you also post your projects to the blog, for future students to see. None of you have anything to be embarrassed of, and it will help them

I will grade them, comment them, and return them as soon as I can; when I do so, I'll give you your final grade. Some of you might hear back from me as early as tomorrow, and I doubt I'll be late than Monday with any of them.


Thank you for a great semester. I've enjoyed working with all of you: that's equally true whether you get an A, a B, or a C, and I'll always be happy to hear from any of you.

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