Tuesday, November 11, 2008


My essay will be on Anarchism and whether it would be an ideal form of structure. I came up with this topic when reading Lilith's Brood, it talks about the human contradiction. Hierarchy is one of the components of that contradiction. Does the government have the right to tell you what to do? The Oankali have a point that power struggles create problems. I want to explore this topic because it interests me.

My thesis is not fooly formed because I dont know until I read more if Anarchy would be a good thing or not. If i conclude that it isnt then I will then try to argue for a wide number of libertarian proposals, which i know i agree i with. Because if my thesis says that anarchy is bad, then most people would agree.

I plan to use a book I found in the Pitt digital library, which is called Changing Anarchism Theory and Practice in a Global Age. Also I will probally use some articles.

A counterargument for this would be easy because the subject is so controversial. First I will say that Anarchism isnt realistic, and it wouldnt work. There would be too much chaos. I can also argue that having government is necessary to have a civilization. It helps humans progress, and keeps us from destroying eachother. If i found while reasearching that Anarchy would be a bad thing, then I could argue against libertarians ideas by saying that some freedoms have to be taken away for the common good. Or that drugs are bad for you so they should be outlawed.

I was also toying with the idea of making a funny comic about living in a world of anarchy, but this cant be done until I do my research.


Adam Johns said...

I agree that doing some research is critical. You might also want to allow some time for reading up on "classical" anarchism - Bakunin comes to mind. There are also abundant science fiction novels which explore anarchism/libertarianism. Ursula Le Guin's *The Dispossessed* and Robert Heinlein's *The Moon is a Harsh Mistress* are prominent among them.

Is this going to be a comic? An essay about anarchism and Lilith's Brood? An essay about anarchism, full stop? You need to find some kind of focus - Lilith's Brood might provide it.

Kate Sisk said...

You need to decide what your argument is- are you for or against anarchy? Then you should focus your argument more, maybe by relating it to Butler's view of anarchism and either using her views to extend your argument or use her views as a counter-argument. So you should definitely research first and figure out what side you are taking, then narrow down your topic by using material from Lilith's Brood.