Friday, August 29, 2008

Assignment for next Wednesday

This assignment has two components.

1) Identify and quote a specific short passage -- no more than a sentence or two -- which, in your mind, represents or summarizes one of these themes in The House of the Seven Gables: change, history, or democracy (you might also tackle a couple of these ideas together, with the right passage). Do your best to demonstrate why we should take this passage as representing the role played by these ideas in general in the book so far.

2) Respond to Hawthorne's conceptualization of change/history/democracy using some contemporary issue, or something in your experience. Is this idea of history/change/democracy well-founded?

For example, you might identify some passage which addresses the nature of change (perhaps the nature of change in a democracy), then explore whether or not we experience change in this way, in our era of (at least supposedly) rapid technological development.

This assignment does not necessarily need to be structured like a standard essay, with an argument at the beginning, but the second part, at least, should include a clear argument.

p.s. I'll be mostly unavailable for questions this weekend. Here's what I'm doing (for the third time), if you care:

I will do my best to answer quick questions narrowly focused on the assignment. Other questions will need to wait. All of you in group 2 will have your grades and comments by Tuesday at the latest - earlier if you're lucky.


Dana Payne said...

Do you do NaNoWriMo too?

Adam Johns said...

I haven't yet, but I like the idea, and may do it this year. The problem is that November is even busier for faculty than it is for students...

Chris Gorham said...

Dr. Johns, although not directly relevant to this post, my email is If for some reason that email bounces back then use

Nick Lubic said...

Is this for group 2 to do or for everyone?

Adam Johns said...

It's for group 1 - just look at the syllabus.

Jessica Rhodunda said...

I completely don't understand what you want us to do. I'm sorry but I am completely drawing a blank with what this is about